Peer-Reviewed Publications
Fox, A.G., A.D.E. Davis, T.M.S. Walsh, M.A. Baker, M.J. Kleinhans, and D.L. Higginbotham. An attempt to estimate abundance of Longnose Gar (Lepisosteus osseus) in the Altamaha River estuary, Georgia, USA. Southeastern Naturalist 23:474–480. DOI: 10.1656/058.023.0409
Wirgin, I., L. Maceda, E. Ingram, and A.G. Fox. 2024. on-natal adult Atlantic Sturgeon are common in the Altamaha River, Georgia, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 47:3535-2541. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-024-01415-x
Kleinhans, M., and A.G. Fox. 2024. Long-term trends in abundance and recruitment of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Altamaha River, Georgia. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 16:e10294. DOI: 10.1002/mcf2.10294
Fox, A.G., M.A. Baker, A.J. Cummins, H.S. Evans, Jr., K.L. Cummins, N.Q. Hancock, N.Q., and D.L. Higginbotham. 2023. Recruitment of juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) in the Savannah, Ogeechee, and Satilla Rivers in Georgia. Fishery Bulletin 121:129-140. DOI: 10.7755/FB.121.3.7
Wirgin, I., A.G. Fox, L. Maceda, and J. Waldman. 2023. Two Distinct Life History Strategies of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Ogeechee River, Georgia. Diversity 15:325. DOI:10.3390/d15030325
Dula, B.T., A.J. Kaeser, C.A. Jennings, and A.G. Fox. 2022. Effects of Hurricane Michael on Gulf Sturgeon in the Apalachicola River, Florida Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 151:725–742. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10384
Gragson, D.L, and A.G. Fox. 2022. Comparison of first and second pectoral fin rays for use in aging Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum, LeSuer, 1818). Southeastern Naturalist 21:1-10. Link
Fox, A.G., N.Q. Hancock, J.A. Marbury, A.J. Kaeser, and D.L. Peterson. Recruitment and survival of juvenile Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the Apalachicola River in Florida. Fishery Bulletin, 119:243-254. DOI: 10.7755/FB.119.4.4
White, S.L., D.C. Kazyak, T.L. Darden, D.J. Farrae, B.A. Lubinski, R.L. Johnson, M.S. Eackles, M.T. Balazik, H.M. Brundage III, A.G. Fox, D.A. Fox, C.H. Hager, J.E. Kahn, and I.I. Wirgin. Establishing a microsatellite genetic baseline for Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser o. oxyrinchus) conservation and management. Conservation Genetics, 22:977-992. DOI: 10.1007/s10592-021-01390-x
Marbury, J. A., A.J. Kaesar, A.G. Fox, D.L. Peterson. 2021. Experimental passage of adult male Gulf Sturgeon around Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam, FL. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 37:379-388. DOI: 10.1111/jai.14194
Friess, C., S.K. Lowerre-Barbieri, G. R. Poulakis, N. Hammerschlag, J.M. Gardiner, Andrea M. Kroetz, K. Bassons-Hull, J. Bickford, E.C. Bohaboy, R.D. Ellis, H. Menendez, W.F. Patterson III, M.E. Price, J.S. Rehage, C.P. Shea, M.J. Smukall, S.W. Burnsed, K.A. Wilkinson, J. Young, A.B. Collins, B.C. DeGroot, C.T. Peterson, C. Purtlebaugh, M. Randall, R.M. Scharer, R. W. Schloesser, T.R. Wiley, G.A. Alvarez, A.J. Danylchuk, A.G. Fox, R.D. Grubbs, A. Hill, J.V. Locascio, P.M. O’Donnell, G.B. Skomal, F.G. Whoriskey, and L.P. Griffin. 2021. Regional-scale variability in the movement ecology of marine fishes revealed by an integrative acoustic tracking network. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 663:157-177. DOI:10.3354/meps13637
Ingram, E.C., D.L. Peterson, and A.G. Fox. 2020. Abundance of endangered Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in the Altamaha River in Georgia. Fishery Bulletin, 118:198-204. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10189
Fox, A.G., and D.L. Peterson. 2019. Movement and out-migration of juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon in Georgia, USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 148: 952-962. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10189
Fox, A.G., I.I. Wirgin, and D.L. Peterson. 2018. Occurrence of Atlantic Sturgeon in the St. Marys River, Georgia. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 10: 606-618. DOI: 10.1002/mcf2.10056
Fox, A.G., E.S. Stowe, K.J. Dunton, and D.L. Peterson. 2018. Seasonal occurrence of Atlantic Sturgeon in the St. Johns River, Florida. Fishery Bulletin, 116: 219-227. DOI: 10.7755/fb.116.3.1
Fox, A.G., C.E. Hill, and R.F. Young. 2012. A new method to dye-mark wild birds. North American Bird Bander, 37: 49-53. Link
Fox, A.G., and R.F. Young. 2012. Foraging interactions between wading birds and strand-feeding Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a coastal salt marsh. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 90: 744-752. DOI: 10.1139/z2012-043
Dr. Fox has worked as a scientific advisor for several documentary programs featuring South Carolina's strand-feeding bottlenose dolphins.
The Hunt. 2015. Silverback Films, Bristol, UK. For the BBC.
Dolphins: Spy in the Pod. 2014. John Downer Prod., Bristol, UK. For the BBC.
North America. 2013. Wild Horizons, Ltd., Bristol, UK. For Discovery Channel.
Winged Planet. 2012. John Downer Productions, Bristol, UK. For Discovery Channel.
Earthflight. 2011. John Downer Productions, Bristol, UK. For the BBC and PBS.